Vision & Mision

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In Pursuit of Excellence


The promotion of high standards of holistic education in pursuit of Excellence catering to the needs of the students for the peace and prosperity of our society.


To transform persons into socially committed, spiritually inspired, responsible citizens, well equipped in wisdom and adequately balanced to advance the profession of education for the well being of mankind.


We help an individual to help himself to become what he should be. A child is a bundle of possibilities and we help to unveil them. Initiated to the ocean of knowledge, we help him to go to the depth and width of it. We act as a catalytic agent in his imbibing knowledge, developing mental, physical and intellectual faculties.

Lack of self - discipline and willingness to face hardships seem to be the two serious defects in the growing generation of the present society. Selfishness and individualism are at its zenith.  Children should be given proper values along with knowledge. Being aware of this, the Management and the staff help the students to imbibe great values of life. Girideepam makes a student wise rather than a knowledgeable individual.


   “We believe strongly that learning is accomplished through effective teaching in a caring environment”.